Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Round 3: Lakota

Round 3: Lakota (S4)

Ravena was still very upset and heartbroken over the miscarriage of her child. Shawnee made sure to take extra care of his mate and uplift her in her time of grief. 

With the sudden miscarriage and two active toddlers, Neptune quickly became responsible for the health and care of the crops. Though he'd rather spend his time swimming in the ocean and building sandcastles on the shore, he knew how important the crops were and understood at such a young age that as the eldest son and heir that responsibility would always be priority.

Now that Falcon and Hawk were mobile, the pair of them took up so much of Ravena and Shawnee's attention. They would barely have energy left to care for themselves after a day of caring for the twins. Even though it was hard work, the boys were a welcome addition and made sure there was never a dull moment in the Lakota village.

It wasn't all work and no play for Neptune though. He was allowed to have the neighboring clan children over for playtime where he could get to know everyone and form friendships. His parents were especially interested in him meeting young Onyx Nantego for the sake of a possible match when the youngsters would come of age. It would seem that Onyx wasn't very interested in making friends with Neptune at first, but eventually warmed to the idea after a round of tag.

Pyralis Shiloh and Anaya Moon also appeared to be keeping their friendship strong which would indeed please both children's parents since a match was in mind for the pair as well.

The time came once again for more birthdays and this time would be Falcon and Hawk's turn. (Hawk, top/Falcon, bottom)

The twins wasted no time doing their fair share of the work on the village which I'm sure was a happy change for Neptune. No more tending to the crops and fishing alone!

Though Ravena was happy to have her healthy three sons, she desperately wanted a daughter and convinced Shawnee that she was ready to try again for another child.

It didn't take much to convince Shawnee due to the couple conceiving so quickly afterwards and by first snow fall, Ravena was well into her second trimester and couldn't be more happier.

With the weather bringing snow, it wasn't long before the pond froze over meaning no more fishing for a time. Two more mouths to feed and a pregnant wife meant the Lakota family quickly ran out of their stock of fish for the cold winter months. Starvation would be imminent if Shawnee could not provide food for his family.

His only hope was to send out a fire signal to his friend Karok Moon from another clan far away for help. The message was received in time and Karok made the journey over as quickly as possible.

Shawnee was so thankful to have a true friend like Karok to help his family in their time of need and vowed to never forget the kind gesture.

Ravena was so anxious to finally have food to prepare for her family that she accidently burned the dinner but they would still have to make due with what they had.

The burnt fish seemed to make Ravena feel a bit sick, but the boys were just happy to have food in their bellies!


Author's Notes: Wow! Round 3 was a challenge with the Lakota family but everyone luckily made it to the next round. Twins in the Sims 2 are much more difficult to keep up with versus Sims 3 in my opinion, but in the end I Ravena and Shawnee managed to get through it alive. As I stated in the update, Neptune is matched with Onyx Nantego with her being the eldest S4 daughter and him being heir but it's still pretty early and things could always change... As far as the running out of food issue goes, they did indeed run out of bass fish and I panicked but I figured they were all going to starve due to the pond freezing over and I had to act fast because I honestly didn't want to lose the entire family like that. I didn't realize that the panic could have all been avoided (and trading with Karok Moon) until I started playing the Baxoje family and discovered that you can cook blackened catfish on the grill once you have 2 cooking skills points thanks to Dawn for having catfish in her inventory! The Lakotas actually have plenty of catfish but it was all in Shawnee's inventory which is why the option didn't show up for Ravena to cook it and Shawnee only has 1 cooking skill point which means he can't cook it at all! OMG I sure made that complicated for myself didn't I? LOL!!! Oh well you live and learn :)

Bonus picture! Poor Hawk spent too much time playing in the snow and got too cold! I had to let him play on the couch to get his temp back up before those damn social workers showed up LOL!

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